To all of our listeners far and wide THANK YOU for making 2021 a successful year for The Harassment Free Workplace Podcast. We have been streamed in over 44 countries worldwide and have surpassed 2400 listens so far. If you find value in this conversation please spread the word. As we are in the end of year holiday celebrations I thought it would be good to talk about families and how families can cause some conflicts in the workplace. I reached out to my good friend and colleague Phil Kriszenfeld, as he is a Family Business Advisor and Mediator to help us all navigate the family drama.
Listen in to Phil and I discuss his experience as a family business advisor and mediator and what he's learned to help reduce harassment in the workplace. Phil sees conflict in family businesses all the time so listen in to gain some pointers on how to avoid it. Phil Kriszenfeld is a Family Business Advisor and Mediator. BA in Economics from the University of Western Ontario, Q.Med (Qualified Mediator) and FEA (Family Enterprise Advisor) graduate from the UBC Sauder School of Business. Transitions Mediation and Consulting Group focuses on improving communication for family enterprises in transition and mentoring the next generation to determine the optimal outcomes for the family and the family business. This includes managing conflict amongst the family members both inside and outside of the workplace. He has recently completed his CEA designation as a certified executor advisor to guide families through estate closure while maintaining family harmony. To find Phil Kriszenfeld: Website: LinkedIn:
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